Friday, July 9, 2010

God Helps The Ones Whom Help Themselves

This phrase has just recently intrigued me. My mind sparked. A fuse blew and as usual, I suddenly found myself, well.....talking to myself. Now hearing that phrase, it will be taken basically two different ways. One understanding of this I will address this in further detail in a moment to explain, and while the other is still thinking "why is this fool talking to himself?". Like I said as usual, meaning that recently I have been having these spontaneous realizations frequently. The feeling can undoubtedly be synonymous with an epiphany. It is so deep that it cannot be suppressed by mere mental thought. It is almost like its obligated to escape. Escape and break through the mental one-way mirror, and easily roll of the tongue like it's engaged in conversation with another individual. The pieces are starting to come together, but verbally. Point blank, from the research I have done so far on "LIFE" and everything about it(not trying to imply that every subject about it was researched, just the main ones I thought were essential or unknowingly dire to our existence), I have come to a lot of new perspectives and opinions which can sooner than later be proven as Fact. Creation, purpose, knowledge & where did it come from, is there life on only our planet, history of religion, God, the messages of the Prophets(I say "message" because this was often overlooked more than the Prophet who delivered it, which I will discuss in a moment), the multiplicity of the Human Race from the Original Pair, & the bearer of multiple opinions, the muchly anticipated Year of 2012. Not to say that it is impossible for someone on that has been or currently living on this planet to know the exact date, but I'll just leave it at "year". I am just merely stating my point of view of the last 2-10 years. I have chosen these two numbers because they have significance. 2 is including some of Bush's last year as President and Obama's first year and then some. 10 is the sum all from when Bush took office and to the present day. Each year had it's own set of "periods" of events, it seemed. Periods as to say someway similar to the events talked of in the Book of Revelations. Now again, not to say that they are occurring how the book mentioned, but everything that has happened in those years seemed to happen in sequences. Like it was designed to happened so. Or like it is a prelude or say a countdown to something. Something Big, in my opinion. So to approach this subject, as with all things in life you trying to attain new unknown knowledge about, let us empty our cups. Approach this matter with a child like mind. Always wanting to know something because you TRULY want to know. Not just so you can dispute about it or create some assumptions of your own about it or plainly ask just to ask and don't really intentionally(most times unknowingly) want to know. Just think. Our world is changing before our own eyes. We see this when we turn on the news, throughout our daily lives, and especially when we reflect on history or past events. Something is coming. Something is wrong in this world. Like in the past, there will come to past a new world. Something better than this one. Perfect to say the least. The Creator has been waiting for his chosen and/or waiting to be able to create that world for his chosen. I look at people helping themselves as how I think the only way you should look at it. How would God(The Creator) want you to help yourself and with what, in particular? What is the One Thing in our lives that He doesn't want to help us with? A part of my realization was that he wants people willing to try and find his path, and to be guided by Him own their own accord. Now this is just a portion of the position on this matter. But I believe that if you are one of the few that actually make this attempt. Most-High will acknowledge this(or these) attempt(s) and will guide you to Him. Why sit around and be only satisfied with what you believe is guidance and light. When actually, it doesn't seem to be fulfilling. It may seem that way, but deep down there still is something. Something that fills missing, like it's there and we know that it has to be privileged to us, but somehow is held back. The one thing I continue to stress on is Faith(I avoid implying a religion or a secular type of belief, just the common belief in THE "ONE" TRUE GOD(THE SOURCE OR CREATOR). I read something, which I won't dig into for it will be irrelevant for this subject of post, that which a man said that he, during remote viewing,talked to Jesus. And when he asked him if someone did not call on his name, would they not evolve fully. Jesus seem, from the description given by this man, upset when asked this questions. He then forcefully stated that a name is nothing. Now to get into why I put up above "the message of the Prophets". Because during my recent research and readings, I have notice one piece describing the frustration on The Creator's part because of the humans need to take more attention on the deliver of the message than the message itself. The message was always the most important and the only thing that mattered. Not who the person was, where did one get this message, etc. The actual analysis should have been on the message. Jesus said if that we were able to do wonderful things. Alot of people, it seems, overlook this sometimes. He said that we were able to tell mountains to move. WE HAVE THAT CAPABILITY. It's obvious that the things that Jesus did were from a Special Higher Authority and gave him the knowledge he had about life. What I took from this was that we are not quite there yet as far as these abilities that Jesus spoke of. We have to find a way to get these abilities. Also he spoke of an Eternal World, an Eternal Life. Pure bliss. But we are able to attain somewhat of a higher level of life in this life. I don't say this world because I believe that a new one is on the way, and soon. When I say higher life, I mean it to be understood as Higher Knowledge. With Higher Knowledge and nothing but pure, righteous usage only, you can attain peace on earth. We are only a blink of an eye away from getting this type of faith, this new Higher Knowledge, a new lease and look on life. But it all sums down to the same, often overlooked matter. WHAT IS THE ONE THING THAT GOD DOES NOT WANT TO HELP YOU WITH? I have heard many different opinions as to the answer of this question. But I only heard the right one once. We have Limited Free-Will. I take this as He doesn't want to make or help us want to be guided(though things may occur in our lives that scream, turn & pray). I state again. WE HAVE LIMITED FREE-WILL. What Are You Doing With Yours?

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